Accommodation-Full Board (inc Lunches) per person per night
Accommodation - per person per night
Bookable per night with a minimum of 1 night stay. Our Rockley Lodge is made up of bunk-bedded rooms with en-suites. Our rooms can consist of 8, 6, 4, or 2 beds.
Rockley Lodge is offered on Bed and Breakfast basis. However, at certain times of the year, we offer Full Board Accommodation. When staying on our full board accommodation rate, your first meal will be evening meal on the night of arrival and your last meal will be Lunch on day of departure. Please ensure you provide a packed lunch on you day of arrival. We have a cafe on site, where lunches can be purchased if required.
When staying on our Bed and Breakfast rate, you will need supply your own lunch and dinner. Local options are available including Harbours Edge Cafe at Rockley Point for Lunch.
Bed and Breakfast rate: £40pppn
Full Board Accommodation rate: £55pppn
All weekends are based on our B&B rate.